Arduino Nano, IDE Program and Circuit Integration

This article is included in the ISTEM 2023 Series

  • Disconnect the breadboard PS from the wall power adapter.
  • Install the Arduino Nano onto the breadboard.
  • The Arduino Nano uses the Atmega 328p microcontroller.
  • The absolute maximum current that the I/O pins can drive is listed as 40mA in the datasheet
  • Using the Nano, we can safely drive our previously designed LED circuit at 3mA and the  Buzzer circuit at 25mA. Review the circuit designs here
  • Modify the Blink program by adding the above lines of code boxed in green. 
  • Verify the code by clicking the checkmark in the upper left.
  • Upload the code to the Nano by clicking the upload arrow in the upper left. 
  • Disconnect the computer from the Nano and with the power off assemble the above circuit.
  • Turn on the Breadboard Power Supply to test the circuit. Unmute the video to hear the buzzer.

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