Engineering Notation

Why learn Engineering Notation?
  • Engineering notation makes it easier for us to communicate electronic circuit values.
Engineering Notation Format:
  • Unlike Scientific Notation which has only one digit left of the decimal point, Engineering can have up to three digits left of the decimal point.  
$$XXX.X- \mu A $$
$$XXX.X- M\Omega $$
$$XXX.X- mW $$
$$XXX.X- KV $$
Engineering Notation Units:
  $$1\times 10^{-12} = p (pico) $$
  $$1\times 10^{-9} = n (nano) $$
  $$1\times 10^{-6} = \mu (micro) $$
  $$1\times 10^{-3} = m (milli) $$
  $$1\times 10^{0} = unit $$
  $$1\times 10^{3} = K (Kilo) $$
  $$1\times 10^{6} = M (Mega) $$
  $$1\times 10^{9} = G (Giga) $$
  $$1\times 10^{12} = T (Tera) $$
Examples of Engineering Notation:
$$0.0000022F=2.2\mu F$$
$$33000\Omega =33K\Omega$$


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